My unit is done, on to new things!!

Today I finished things up I'm my excavation unit, the first one done (though the next wasn't that far behind me). The unit was taken down to roughly 50cm depth, the walls and stratigraphy recorded and levels taken with the total station.
The finished unit
Recording the stratigraphy

The north wall, were you can see some of the stratigraphy that we recorded.

After finishing off the unit, it was on to shovel testing!! Now, I have never done shower testing before so I found it pretty fun. So what you do is to take a shovel, or auger in my case, and dig holes in certain areas (a predetermined line that has been recorded) to find out what else might be out there in the area. I did 6 tests today, and in 4 of the 6 we found midden. This helps us understand the extent of the midden and how deep it may be. The other 2 tests were just sterile soil, meaning there was nothing found in the samples we wemt through.

Sifting the soil gathered up by the auger.

The auger (which is just over 1m tall) all the way in a test pit.

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